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Bertie Ahern Former Taoiseach Of Ireland

Bertie Ahern: Former Taoiseach of Ireland

Early Life and Career

WEB Bartholomew Patrick Bertie Ahern was born on September 12, 1951, in Dublin, Ireland. He became an accounts clerk at the Mater hospital in Dublin and later joined the Fianna Fáil political party.

Political Career

Ahern's political career began in 1977 when he was elected to the Dublin City Council. He rose through the party ranks and became Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland in 1997.

The Good Friday Agreement

One of Ahern's most significant contributions was his involvement in the negotiation and signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998. This agreement brought an end to the decades-long conflict in Northern Ireland.

Corruption Allegations and Resignation

Ahern's tenure as Taoiseach was marred by allegations of corruption. In 2008, the Mahon Tribunal found that he had not truthfully accounted for certain payments. As a result, he resigned from office.

Post-Taoiseach Life

Since leaving office, Ahern has remained active in public life. He has authored several books and has been involved in various charitable organizations.
