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Pink Sparkly Motivational Quotes

Pink: A Color of Upliftment and Inspiration

Glitter Quotes to Make You Shine

Dive into the world of pink, a hue that radiates positivity and inspires endless creativity. From the sparkle of glitter to the soothing whisper of rose, pink has the power to uplift spirits and ignite imagination. Let these glitter quotes be your guide as you embrace the vibrant energy of this captivating color.

Quotes to Illuminate and Inspire

"Glitter is my makeup of choice. It's the only way I know how to shine." - Kesha

"Throw glitter in. The world needs more sparkle." - Unknown

"You can never go wrong with a little pink. A lot works too." - Dana Dalgetty

"Pink is the color of love, the shade of strength, and the hue of happiness. Pink isn't just pretty."
